
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Improvements In Home Solar Panel At LakeVille

Because of the harsh economic times that have characterized modern life, today more and more homeowners at LakeVille are looking for ways to cut on their monthly utility bills, particularly the ever escalating energy bills. The Use of home solar panel systems is one of the greatest ways that homeowners are looking into to generate free energy from the sun.

Like anything else in the world today, solar panels have grown in bits and bounds, and today they are quite efficient and reliable, hence their huge popularity. They have the capability to generate enough power to heat an entire household. Considering the fact that the sun is a renewable source of energy, you can bet you will harness the energy for as long as the sun rises.

Today's units have a 20% rate of conversion when it comes to efficiency. This is undoubtedly a very significant improvement from past models because you will only need to buy fewer panels to tap the same amount of energy from the sun as you would several decades ago using past models.

What this means is that because the units are fewer, you will end up saving not only on the cost of purchase but also on the cost of installation for LakeVille condo. By the same token, the fewer units occupy less space on the rooftop. This is good news to homeowners with small roof tops who initially had limited mounting space.

A decade or so ago, homeowners were limited to using the panels because they could only be mounted facing a certain direction for maximum harnessing of solar energy. Thanks to technological advancements, the orientation today is very flexible. This means you can mount your units in whatever directions you wish. Today's units have a very steady and reliable access to sunlight hence more energy is harnessed throughout the day.

Note, however, that if the house wasn't in line due south, the system would generate significantly less output current since they were not in place to handle the rigorous angle of the sun. Today, these panels are made in such a way that they can handle a wider gamut of sunlight angles to hit the panels and still be able to trap the most power. This is good news for homeowners whose houses are not aligned due south with the roof and thus can offer larger amounts of sun energy.

The last notable improvement to these systems is their power generating capability in relation to the minimum amount of sunlight required to initiate the conversion process. A decade ago, the units which were used had a very high sunlight threshold required to initiate the power generation process.

When all is said and done, you can rest assured that during cold and cloudy days, or in the morning, at night or during the rainy season when the sun is not strong enough, today's home solar panel systems can still be able to generate enough energy for your home. This is thus another positive and significant improvement since others sources of energy are less utilized.

Find out how to get the best unit at LakeVille in Jurong by visiting this site at

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